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conflict resolution
" If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. "
Dear Pastor,
For many years there has been a process whereby conflicts in our Fellowship can be resolved. These are summarised by an open letter from Pastor Mitchell to all Fellowship churches that should be displayed prominently on your Notice Board. This letter is to set in place a structure whereby the issues of relationship conflict or abuse involving pastors and their congregations, pastors and their fellow pastors, and any conflict between pastors and leadership, in the British Fellowship can be resolved.
We believe that a Pastor is to represent God to the congregation and community with the highest standard of integrity, and his actions should be blameless (1 Timothy 3:2) and his actions should be such that he has a good report with people, both within and without the congregation (1 Timothy 3:7).
In the local church, if a member has a grievance to be heard against a pastor, Matt 18:15-20 would be the procedure;
To meet alone with the pastor and seek a resolution.
If there is no resolution, then they should request a hearing before the Church Council with the pastor present.
If the issue is still not resolved, then a written request can be made to his mother church pastor or Pastor Brown.
Pastor Brown and/or the mother church pastor or a delegated area leader will meet with the pastor, the Church Council and the party in conflict, in order to resolve the conflict.
Pastor Brown remains in submission to his pastor’s, Pastor Gregg Mitchell and Pastor Tom Payne, his local church council for local matters, and should the need arise on a higher level, a Board of Elders can be summoned to bring him any advice, correction or discipline. The board is comprised of Joe Campbell, Mark Aulson, Kevin Foley, Tom Payne, Harold Warner, Richard Rubi and Paul Stephens. These men have the authority to resolve any conflicts that may affect our Fellowship on an International level. They can convene a meeting with any of the International Leaders to resolve disputes, and set in order matters to ensure an ongoing flow of our ministry.
In the UK, under the direction Pastor Brown, an executive comprised of current British Leaders, has the authority to summon any UK Fellowship Pastor who is in doctrinal error, moral indiscretion, or whose conduct is causing disruption in the British Fellowship. Their decisions on the local British level will be binding and final.
It is important that you post this letter, as well as the letter from Pastor Mitchell, in your church where members of the congregation may see it and understand the issues.
Pastor Nigel Brown 21st February 2015
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